Friday, July 16, 2004

Sitting in class right now. I've just decided on my topic for my RWP mod. It's gonna be on computers; lap tops. Probably am gonna do print loads of surveys, so guys? Please do help me out ya? Hahas... School nowadays are monotonous. Especially Engineering Math. I'll be having a two-hour tutorial. Boring lecturers mean boring tutorials. MONOTONOUS. He makes me sleep, and I DON'T usually sleep in class. So i guess after choosing this topic, I'd be heading down to Sim Lim or Funan often. Namely, BUGIS. Gotta get back to my work now, hopefully I'll get to be dismissed early today. Feeling really tired and grouchy. Must be the weather. Sudden bouts of rains and shine. Shit, I'm trashing. I'll shut up just about now.